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Raz Online! "How do I work with THAT?" A Four-Week Masterclass


In a jam at a jam?

There are more improv jams than ever, which means more opportunities to perform, sometimes with great players, sometimes with challenging ones. The four-week online masterclass will help you create exciting scenes no matter what anyone tosses at you. This workshop is from my groundbreaking book, A Subversive’s Guide to Improvisation.

You have choices. Learn what they are.

Learn to work with improvisers who:

* Always go for the joke
* Start a scene at a “10” 
* Don’t listen, talk over you, or don’t let you talk
* Make you or themselves crazy, high, drunk, or demented
* Start the scene at an obvious beginning
* Play a racist/sexist, transphobic, or homophobic character
* Mindlessly add plot
* Talk about the activity in a scene
* Start a transaction, negotiation or teaching scene
* Deny the basic reality of the scene
* Worry about what to say, so they don’t say anything

Wednesdays, March 13th, 20th, 23rd, and April 3rd
4 pm to 6 pm PST
Register here
Sorry, no refunds.